Intro to Tech and Webelements

sIn Class – Chemistry – We will discuss Do Now: Post Lab Discussion and GA WS!

In Class – Earth 

Randomly assign 1 of 5 branches of Earth Science use text (Google?) to create poster (Slides) that describes topics that scientists in that field would study, list careers and tools, pictures

Use acronym O.M.E.G.A. for the 5 branches

O = Oceanography    M= Meteorology  E= Environmental Science  G= Geology    A = Astronomy

Reaction Time Lab

Students will investigate which sense has the fastest reaction time.  Students will work in pairs and will take turns dropping and catching the meter stick with their partner with eyes open (Sight), and closed (Hearing, Touch).  Students will record their data on the provided data sheet and analyze the results.

Circle and Measuring Cir. of Earth

In Chem Class – We will discuss sources of error in data analysis and graphing. Discuss the precision of instruments, the accuracy of the results and how to interpret information graphically.  

Teacher – will point out common errors with an example graph, show independent and dependent variable and graphical analysis. 
Monitoring – Students will compete Graphical Analysis WS and we will review in class. 

In Earth Science Class – What evidence supports you knowledge that the earth is round? WS 2) How do measure the Circumference of the Earth?

It’s all a Circle

Do Now – Describe how to measure Diameter and Circumference

  • Students will be able to use data obtained in class to construct a straight line.
  • Determine the relationship of the data and calculate error (pi value)

In Class – Teacher will explain and student in small groups of 3-4 will work to complete the “Circle Challenge”

FIRST Day of Class!

Everyone is Welcome, No One is PerfectAnything is Possible” part 2

Homework – Enter information into Webquest Activity. Have fun and start to think about this class! 
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. Ludacris

Today in Science Link

Obsertainers and Speed vs. Velocity

In Class Chemistry – We took our FIRST quiz on top 40 elements and safety. Students can retake to improve score until satisfied with their grade. We reviewed results of Obsertainers and discussed qualitative, indirect inference.

In Class Physics – We completed Speed Buggy Activity Lab and reviewed Distance vs. Displacement and Speed vs. Velocity. Open discussion on Distance vs. Displacement WS

Homework – Complete Speed vs. Velocity WS

Qualitative Data and Speed!

In Chemistry Class: Students worked on “observing” indirectly the sound of a bb in a plastic container.  They were tasked with hypothesizing what the structure inside was without looking.

In Physics Class: Students worked on “Speed Buggy” report and will describe motion with vectors. Notes on Distance vs. Displacement


Safety Dance

In Chemistry Class – Students practiced Chemical Symbols and Names Played “Elements” Collected Safety Contracts.

In Physics Class – Challenge problem (Two bikes: Bike A @18mph Bike B @12mph, 3 miles ahead. when do the two meet? Justify answer using math/graph or other)

Showed “What not to do” and discussed Lab Safety both classes.